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Q: The name for the urge to steal?
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Related questions

What is kleptomanic?

That is the word kleptomania (an urge to steal) with some letters stolen.

Are some personality disorders associated with stealing?

yes. kleptomaniacs get the urge to steal things.

What's the meaning of cleptomania?

Kleptomania refers to a persistent urge to steal even without the need for profit

Does xanax make people steal?

Xanax itself does not make people steal. However, when people want to get high, they sometimes steal to feed their addiction. This is because the urge is so strong to use, they will do anything.

Use the word urge in a sentence?

I have a strong urge to travel and explore new places.

What is the definition of kleptomaniak?

Kleptomania is the inability to refrain from the urge to steal items. This urges is for reasons other than personal use or financial gain.

What is a cliptomaniac?

A "kleptomaniac" is person addicted to stealing, who has no financial motive for stealing (in other words, he or she is not in desperate financial need), but who has an irresistible urge to steal.

What is it called when you get the urge to vomit?

Nausea. or being nauseous, is the name for feeling an urge to vomit.

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What is kleptomania all about?

Kleptomania is an urge to steal. But it also means that you purposely end up with other's money. Some might not think that is a serious condition, but it definitley is! It is a disorder that could ruin your life.Well, unless you like to steal or take money.

If a heterosexual man denies their urges to fornicate, are they denying who they really are Do urges define who a person is?

In my experience, the impulse or urge is not what defines us. What we do, does seem to. Consider the urge to steal, for instance, that does not make one a thief. The action of taking another person's property does define one as a thief...

Name of someone that has to steal?
