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Inhibition of enzymes

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Q: The main impact of a high concentration of H' ions in the body?
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Is it true that An acidic solution has a very high concentration of OH ions?

No, an acidic solution has a low concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-). Instead, it has a high concentration of hydrogen ions (H+), which give it its acidic properties.

Do bases have a high or low concentration of hydrogen ions?

Bases have a lower concentration of hydrogen ions compared to acids. This is because bases donate hydroxide ions (OH-) which can combine with hydrogen ions (H+) to form water, reducing the concentration of free hydrogen ions in the solution.

When the pH is high the concentration of hydrogen ions is low?

Yes, that's correct. pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. When the pH is high, it means there are more hydroxide ions present relative to hydrogen ions, indicating a lower concentration of hydrogen ions.

What is the movement of ions from high concentration to low concentration?

The movement of ions from high concentration to low concentration is called diffusion. In diffusion, ions move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration until equilibrium is reached. This process occurs spontaneously and does not require an input of energy.

What ions are in a high concentration in a base?


What elevate pH?

A high pH meaning is a high concentration of the hydroxide ions.

What ions is in high concentration inside the neuron?

Potassium ions (K+) are found in high concentration inside the neuron compared to outside. This concentration gradient is maintained by the sodium-potassium pump.

What process that alows movement of gases and ions from areas of high consentration to low consentration?

Diffusion is the process that allows movement of gases and ions from areas of high concentration to low concentration. This process occurs passively, driven by the concentration gradient, and does not require energy input from the cell.

When the pH is high what is true about the concentration of hydrogen ions?

When the pH is high, the concentration of hydrogen ions is low. This is because pH is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration, so a higher pH value corresponds to a lower concentration of hydrogen ions.

What a substance with a higher concentration of H3O ions?

A substance with a higher concentration of H3O+ ions would be an acidic solution. In acidic solutions, the concentration of H3O+ ions is greater than the concentration of OH- ions, leading to a lower pH value. Substances like hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid are examples of substances with a high concentration of H3O+ ions.

Do bases have a high or low concentration of OH- ions?

Bases have a high concentration of OH- ions. When bases dissolve in water, they release hydroxide ions (OH-) which can accept protons to form water. This interaction is responsible for the basic properties of these substances.

When a strong base is dissolved in water which type of ions is present in high concentration?

When a strong base is dissolved in water, a high concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) will be present in the solution. This is because strong bases dissociate completely in water to form hydroxide ions.