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Q: The layer of the skin that provides protection against bacteria as well as chemical and mechanical injuries is the?
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The most common mechanical equipment injuries are to?

Most mechanical equipment injuries occur to the hands and fingers. These injuries range in severity from cuts to complete amputation.

What protects the lungs from mechanical injuries?

your ribs

The most common mechanical equipment injuries are to eyes?


How is bacteria entered into blood?

through injuries and your mouth.

How the heart is protected from shocks and injuries?

The heart is protected from shocks an injuries by the sternum and rib cage, its bony protection. In addition, the pericardium and pericardial fluid provide additional protection.

What is the most common lab injuries?

chemical spills, fires,explosions,and personal injuries

What are the benefits of consumer protection regulations?

a reduction in injuries and deaths

What is one benefit consumer protection regulations?

One benefit of consumer protection is the reduction in injuries and deaths.

What causes Electric shock injuries?

Electric shock injuries are caused by lightning or electric current from a mechanical source passing through the body

What kind of protection does a bike helmet provide a bicycle rider?

It provides some protection against head injuries.

What is one benefit consumer-protection regulations?

a reduction in injuries and deaths

What causes fingertip injuries?

Accidental amputations will usually result in profuse bleeding and tissue loss. Injuries to the pulp can occur as from fast moving mechanical instruments, such as drills. These injuries may puncture the pulp.