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The salivary gland secrets a fluid called the saliva. The saliva aids in digestion by partially digesting the food in the mouth, making it slide smoothly down the esophagus as well as making it easier for the stomach to fully digest.

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Q: The fluid secreted by the salivary glands is called?
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Which digestive enzymes are produced by salivary glands?

In the oral cavityor the mouth, the salivary glands secrete ptyalin. It is a type of α-amylase, which acts upon starch and converts it into small segments of multiple sugars and into the individual soluble sugars.Salivary glands also secrete lysozyme, which kills bacteria but is not a digestive enzyme.some of the other minor enzymes secreted areBromelaine it acts on meat and acts as an anti-inflamatory agent.Betaine is linked with cell fluid balance as osmolytesSalivary Amylase (also known as ptyalin) (Mouth) produced by salivary glands breaks down starch into short SALIVARY AMYLASE AND LYSOZYME

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That is the fluid called semen, the male ejaculate.

What is the enzyme produced by the salivary glands?

Salivary amylase which acts upon starch and converts it into small segments of multiple sugars and into the individual soluble sugars.Salivary glands also secrete lysozyme, which kills bacteria and other foreign organisms but is not a digestive enzyme.Some of the other minor enzymes secreted are:Bromelaine - acts on meat and acts as an anti-inflamatory agent.Betaine - linked with cell fluid balance as osmolytesLysozyme

How much volume of acidic fluid is secreted by gastric glands everyday?

i think it must be 5-10%

What about the salivary glands?

Each salivary gland is composed of 2 types of cells: a. mucous cells secretes mucus and b.serous cells secretes a watery substance, serous fluid.

What produce saliva?

Saliva is produced from the salivary glands.The basic unit in the salivary glands are clusters of cells called acini.These cells create a fluid that contains water,Electrolytes, my as and enzymes all of which flow out From the acinus into the collecting ducts.

What are the 3 types of salivary glands and their locations?

These glands produce a fluid called saliva. It is both watery (serous) and thicker (mucous). It contains several enzymes: amylase, which starts the break down of starch, lipase which starts the break down of fats, and lysozyme, a weak antibacterial.There are three salivary glands:1. under the tongue (sublingual)2. under each lower jaw (submandibular)3. 2/3 around each ear, mostly in front (parotid)

What is the secretion that comes from the salivary gland?

The salivary glands have two kinds of secretory cells - serous and mucous cells.Serous cells produce a watery fluid that includes the digestive enzyme salivary amylase. This splits starch and glycogen molecules into disaccharides.Mucous cells secrete a thick liquid called mucouswhich binds food particles and lubricates the food during swallowing.

What do the salivary glands do and where are they located?

These glands produce a fluid called saliva. It is both watery (serous) and thicker (mucous). It contains several enzymes: amylase, which starts the break down of starch, lipase which starts the break down of fats, and lysozyme, a weak antibacterial. There are three salivary glands: 1. under the tongue (sublingual) 2. under each lower jaw (submandibular) 3. 2/3 around each ear, mostly in front (parotid)

The salivary glands are composed of which two types of cells?

The two types of cells that make salivary glands areserous cells that secrete watery fluid without mucusmucuous cells that secrete watery fluid with mucuous

What is the major difference between exocrine and endocrine glands?

I think the student wanted to ask about the difference between an exocrine and endocrine gland but mistakened and wrote both the same. Exocrine gland differ from Endocrine gland because in case of exocrine glands ezymes are secreted by ducts carrying them to their site of actions but in case of endocrine hormones are secreted in body without ducts and are cariied by circulatory fluid of the organism.