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Q: The concerns of the people as a whole?
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There are definitely concerns; how valid these concerns are is a matter of some debate.

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Your answer depends on the people doing the concerning.

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In 1775 Patrick Henry gave a speech to address the concerns of people who did not agree with him. Patrick Henry's speech was in defense of liberty.

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As of now, there is no definitive answer to how many Listin's there are in the whole world. Lists of individuals are not publicly available due to privacy concerns and data protection laws.

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Some people may object to certain means of power because they believe it can lead to abuse or inequality, or they may view it as oppressive or unethical. They may also have concerns about the impact that the means of power can have on individuals or society as a whole.

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Tornadoes cause major property damage and often kill and injure people. The main concerns regarding tornadoes are these effects and warning people when a tornado is coming.

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Efficiency and using technology effectively to help improve the industry as a whole.

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The motto of Hebei Normal University is 'Concerns about the whole world, while striving for true knowledge.'.