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if you know the guy hates you then you should leave it alone , trust me if its meant to be it will work out as corny as that sounds...


I agree, and why would you even want a guy that hates you?

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Be persistent.

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Q: The boy you hate loves the girl you love what do you do?
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The girl you hate loves the boy you love what do you do?

Be persistent.

How do you ask a girl if she loves a boy?

"Hello _______ do you love a boy?"

What should you do if you love girl and she knows that you love her but she loves another boy?

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Do boys tell girls that they love them or do girls tell boys?

It can be either way, a girl can tell a boy that she loves him or a boy can tell a girl that he loves her.

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Boy falls in love with girl, girl does not love him back, girl loves other guy, boy fights with other guy, boy and girl end up being married.

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It depends on the relationship

How can you make a boy love you but he loves another girl?

simply move on.

Is Je t'aime for girl or boy?

Je t'aime is not gender-specific, but it is number specific, i.e. one person loves one person, but it can be: (1) one boy loves one girl, (2) one boy loves one boy, (3) one girl loves one boy, or (4) one girl loves one girl.

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Love is a complicated thing what you may think is love may simply be infatuation.

What does speco mean?

it means someone you love or hate which is like a girl/or /a boy

How the boys do behave when they love a girl?

A boy behaves weird around a girl if he loves that girl.That boy will hug that girl. If the girl takes him as a friend and then she falls in love with him.And after the bot and the girl fall in love they get married at the age of eight.

You love a girl who loves other boy. what should you do?

Tell the girl how you feel about her so you can get it off your back.