reaction time ----a+ foolThe amount of time it takes a person to perceive a stimulus and react to it is averagely 1 to 1.5 seconds.
It typically takes about 0.25 to 0.5 seconds for a person to perceive a stimulus and react to it. This includes the time it takes for sensory information to travel to the brain, for the brain to process the information, and for the response to travel back to the muscles. Variations in reaction time can occur depending on the individual and the complexity of the stimulus.
When stimulus is applied to a large growling dog, it may move away or rather turn and attack the person applying the force.
The average is from 1 to 1.5 seconds.
Stimuli are things in the environment that cause change. A reaction to a change in the environment is a reaction to a stimulus.
An organism reacts to a stimulus with a response that aims to maintain homeostasis and ensure survival. This response can be behavioral, physiological, or molecular, depending on the type and intensity of the stimulus.
People will always react in line with how they perceive you. So their reaction should tell how they perceive you.
does the same organism always react to the same stimulus at the same way
Thermoreceptors react to changes in temperature, either hot or cold, in their surrounding environment. They send signals to the brain when there is a difference in temperature to help regulate the body's temperature.
they just do it. it is an instinkt.
running from the object
A stimulus causes your body to react, a response is something that is caused by a stimulus. Work it out, does the virus respond to you more or you to the virus?