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Q: Straight dresses worn by women in ancient Egypt?
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What straight dresses are worn by women in Egypt?

Sheath- like dresses

What is a straight dress worn by women in Egypt?

"Steath" is the answer for the Ancient Egyptian packet.

Clothing in ancient Egypt?

They wore light, white, linen clothing. Sometimes they were pleated. Men wore kilts and women wore dresses.

Men in ancient Egypt?

men in ancient Egypt almost the same rights as women in ancient Egypt.

Who was one of the few women to rule ancient Egypt?

who was one of a few women to rule ancient Egypt

Why do ancient Chinese women wear long sleeved dresses?

i do not know why they wear long sleeved dresses

What did ancient Egypt clothing makers do?

They would make things like jewelry and pottery.

What did women wear in ancient Egypt?

Long, white linen dresses. A died belt was often worn. Sometimes, dresses were pleated. Women wore wigs, such as tripartite and nubian wigs. They wore sandals on their feet. They wore lots of jewelry such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and amulets.

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What did nobles own in ancient Egypt?

Many women

What did women do in ancient Egypt if there where artists?

Well, in Ancient Egypt if the women was an Artisan than she would paint, do pottery, sculpt sculpts of Pharaohs ans things like that. :)