Puddle of Mud is an American rock band from Kansas City which has sold over seven million albums. They have many famous songs like "Blurry", "She hates me". "Control", "Psycho", "Famous" and many others.
Shoot me some songs they don't really have to be like Jupiter sound I'm just tryna find new music.
DIRTY songs
i have a feeling that it has alli in it and it can mean alley and ploop sounds like what a puddle makes so i am going to have to say that is means a puddle in an alley-way has and object falling into it and it makes alliploop, so it is a sound basically.
dont kno hah
I looove pie :dd
They are not girl songs, they are songs reflecting his life. It's his girly voice that make it sound like that.
Lost get found
The Tightrope, from The Glove.
Not really, but in a few songs you might find they do sound a bit alike.
I would make an appointment with your eye doctor to have him/her check to see what the problem is. That doesn't sound like it is going to be good for your eyes.