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dried angel hair pasta

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Q: Something Easy to break very weak?
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Can a gynecologist accidentally break your hyman?

yes they can, the hymen is a very weak and easy to break membrane and you can even break it easily just by riding a bike

What are the two disadvantages of a scaling ladder?

They are an easy target and they are weak so could break.

What is preparatory movement?

ur very weak no one answer this this is so EASY

What are the disadvantages of rebated butt joint?

It is not very atstetically pleasing also it is very weak and would break under preassure.

Why do tights ladder?

Because they're made from super-fine nylon fibres that are relatively weak. their weakness makes it easy to break the strands.

When something has very little of this energy it feels what?

When something has very little energy, it usually feels sluggish, tired, and weak. It may lack vitality and enthusiasm.

What does it mean when you are eating with a chopstick and your chopstick broke in half?

There is no hidden message in breaking a chop stick by accident. Like anything else it could be a pure lemon and had a weak spot in it. Chopsticks are very sturdy and seldom break. Even if you didn't know how to use chopsticks (learn to use them because it's not that hard) you'd have to do something very drastic to break it.

Are there any ways an egg will not break when dropped?

Boiled or not, the shell of an egg is very thin, and very weak. It is designed to be fragile enough for the unborn chick to be able to break through. Remember that this means it is a weak enough structure that an animal that has never once used it's muscles can break it from the inside. Nothing will keep the egg from cracking when dropped onto a hard surface.

Does eating ice affect your teeth?

Yes, actually, eating ice can affect your teeth. It puts a lot of wear on them making them weak and more able to chip and break easy.

What is health bevaior?

The Way You Act When You Eat Something Or The Way You Act When Your Very Healthy Compared When Your Weak And Unhealthy

Do you say 'weak in' or 'weak at'?

I would say "weak at" eg I am very weak at mathematics,

Is a wax crayon a good conductor?

it is a conductor, but rather a very weak one. VERY WEAK