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Q: Someone who never takes alcholic drink?
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Does someone's blood alcohol concentration go down if they drink coffee?

No. The only way BAC goes down is by metabolizing alcohol, which is to say that it takes time.

Does Rachel Banen take steroids?

AnswerYou never can know for sure if someone takes steroids, unless you witness the act. If someone tells you that they did then it is possible ,but there is a thing called lying.

What is the meaning of He makes no friend who never made a foe?

It means that an individual who never takes a stand for what he/she believes will make no enemies......or friends either because who wants the company of someone like that?

What happen to the water?

takes out poopie then you drink it

What is the legal term when someone takes your signature and attaches it to a document that you never saw and appearing as if you signed the document?

In most states, this is forgery, a felony.

Can a weesle drink tango?

Yes. But it takes two.

A girl said that Cameron takes drugs its not true or?

someone said it but its a lie on youtube a girl Cameron bright would never do something like that

During the Dundies Pam takes something that is Jims What?

well when she comes back, she takes his drink

How can you get over someone that you never had a relationship with but you were affectionate to each other in many ways?

AnswerIt takes time to get over someone .i once had da same problem and i just got anougher crush and waited for my feelings to just disappear.I know that's hard but as i said before it takes time to get over someone .hope this helped .x

What is hemomania?

Hematomania, is used to describe a blood drinking fetish or a flesh eating fetish. It is when someone takes pleasure in drinking blood and/or eating flesh. or when someone feels the need to drink human blood or consume human flesh.

Someone who takes over temporarily for the regular person?

Someone who takes over temporarily for the regular person