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Q: Someone a person has had a past relationship with might be considered as an old what?
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What does it mean to dream someone tells you they want a relationship with you?

It might mean that subconsciously you are attracted to them or perhaps want to pursue a relationship with them. Or if you are sure that you do not want a relationship with that person you might just be projecting your want of a relationship onto someone you know.

Is it ok to have a crush on someone else and already be in a relationship?

Well what I think is if you have a relationship with someone that that person is the only person you like and have feelings for. But if you do have a crush on someone dont act on it, or talk to the person you are in a relationship and tell him/her what you are feeling and see what they say...But its best to forget about the crush because you are in a relationship. But if you dont want to be in the relationship you are in then break up with the person in a kind way and then go for your crush, but to tell you the truth I would stay with the person your in the relationship with because the person you have a crush on might not like you back and then you lose the person you were dating and the person you liked, so you could basically lose both of them.

Who is a person who is focused on others?

It depends on the context. They could be considered a helpful person or a nosy person. They might be considerate. In a personality sense, someone who is focused on others is an extrovert.

What does it mean when someone goes from one relationship to the next What if they always have someone on the side?

Unable to commit. Move on. ANSWER: A person who is not satisfy to just one man or woman. Having a problem when it comes to relationship and afraid to be alone.....might have come from childhood year.

How can you someone?

If by 'get' you mean acquire, here's one person's answer: You don't 'get' someone. You like or love someone and express your feelings and might start a relationship with this person. But 'getting' a person is bull.But if you mean it in the sense like, 'Hmm...I don't get that guy" then it basically means "understand" or "comprehend," as in 'Hmm...I don't understand what that guy is all about."

How can you 'get' someone?

If by 'get' you mean acquire, here's one person's answer: You don't 'get' someone. You like or love someone and express your feelings and might start a relationship with this person. But 'getting' a person is bull.But if you mean it in the sense like, 'Hmm...I don't get that guy" then it basically means "understand" or "comprehend," as in 'Hmm...I don't understand what that guy is all about."

Could you still love him and not be in love?

I definitely think that it's possible to love someone and not be in love. I go through the same problem. It all depends on the relationship you had with the person. You might just miss that relationship you two had and you just miss having that in your life, not necessarily the person.

Will everyone in the world have a relationship?

yes. someone may like you but you might not notice

What do you do if your in a relationship but you might like someone else who doesn't like you?

Well, first off it depends on how much you like the person your in the relationship with... If you think about it and don't have that much feelings for him then you probably should end that relationship, it's not good to keep leading the person on if the feelings aren't the same. As for the other person you like you should find out if he likes you and what you like about him, however don't try to rush into another relationship right away...

What is the meaning of a dream when someone wants a relationship?

well that's a difficult question. but it could be because you see him or her as a best friend or brother or sister. and you care too much about them to date them.You want them to talk softly or not make noise/sound.It usually means that you are accepting a new relationship with that person. It also means that you are seeking to develop a quality belonging to that other person in ourselves. Kissing someone.It might mean that subconsciously you are attracted to them or perhaps want to pursue a relationship with them. Or if you are sure that you do not want a relationship with that person you might just...

What is an opportunistic relationship?

An opportunistic relationship is one in which a person takes advantage of another person or people with no regard for moral principles or the consequences the other person or people might suffer.

What does it mean when you are looking for someone and you can feel with your body where they are?

This dream suggests that your only connection with this person is a physical one. That might be a sexual attraction or, depending on who this person is in the dream, it might refer to family relationship or to mere physical proximity, such as a college roommate who shares none of your tastes or interests.