You will probably be better off cutting communication with someone that has a big ego and that is still working problems out with their ex.
The only way to know if your friend request has been declined is to request to be their friend again. If it lets you re-request, then they denied your friend request.
It sounds as though he is still hoping to make the relationship work if he accepted her friend request. Her pattern of behavior may be indicative of a number of things, but he would be wise not to put too much trust in her.
Sending this person a friend request again will unblock them from your tree.
You have to get them to send another friend request. You simply just click on your friend tree and type in their name in the friend request box and add them again.
Request them again.
You can't. That's the whole point of blocking.
Get new friends and if you just want her to be your friend again then get a cooler friend and make her jealous
You can send a friend request to get back with people that have or you have unfriended on Facebook. It will be up to them to accept your request.
1. If you mean that the person rejected your request, then go to their profile. You will see Friend Request Sent. Click on that and underneath it will write on the bottom of the drop down menu Cancel Request. Click on this, then try to send the request again.2. If you mean that somebody sent you a request and you rejected, just go on the friend notification bar and click see all friend requests you will see it there.
Sending a friend request to this person again will unblock them.
I believe that this was a smart decision. It seems that he has some other issues to work out with the ex before he can successfully begin a new relationship.
first try to tell your friend that you feel mistreated, and if they dont take that, then give it sometime, and try again. if it seems to not work, then maybe they dont want to be your friend anymore.