The bad brother said that he was going to mortify his sister.
It depends on what you like and dont like for instance some people love the smell of petrol and i hate it. so really they relate because good and bad are like brother and sister.
Yes. He did have a little sister but she died when she was seven years old because of a bad disease.Addition:He also had a sister who survived.
For the people who have sisters no matter how bad they give a headache they are still your sisters and usually by doing good things for them they will return the favor. For those that don't have a sister there's always a close friend near by that will be there for you. Friends like this is always your sister or brother because their there for you.
I'tyna find out suck er for mother and I hate her and her dady and your sister and his sister and the brother of nice loother and I like to fight the bad guys and the good guys that are in new york and that like to love friends. bye
yes, cuz if he bf and her get married, then u'll be releted to ur bf
no he is as bad as my baby brother
hes a good guy, hes marios brother.
pull a nice good prank
There is really no one definition for a good sister. Really the only thing you NEED to do to be a good sister is love your siblings. It doesn't mean you're a bad sister if you fight with your siblings, sibling rivalry is natural and mostly unavoidable, but providing you make it clear to them that you love them even though you might not always show it, you are a good sister.
nothing its just you dont have one. what can happen? you just wont have most fun. but if your mom or dad plays with you youll have more fun. if you think its bad with no sister its nothin bad. well maybe for you but im a sister ask my brother how would he feel without me he can answar; bored; is my brothers answer.
It depend on how is the person you marring and what are your true feelings about that person. I think its a bad idea because marring is not just a little thing its a big thing and you should probably think about more. You should also have fun and enjoy you life since your still young.