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yes, i will be surprised if you are not.

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Q: Since my last period my boyfriend has come inside me every time and my period this month lasted a day. Could I be pregnant?
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What if your ex boyfriend ejaculated inside of you on 090709 and 6 days later you have your period Then after your period was over then boyfriend ejaculate inside of you Who could the father be?

periods are a sign that you are not pregnant, yet there is a very small chance you will be pregnant from your ex. it is probly going to be your boyfriends baby. congrats

Your boyfriend came inside of you twice on two different days after your period could you be pregnant?

Of course you can be anytime you have unprotected sex you may become pregnant.

How do you know if you are pregnant with a missed period and your boyfriend ejaculated inside of you?

You go to your local chemist and buy a pregnancy test kit!

Your period lasted only two days could you be pregnant?

it depend did you have sex

Can you still be pregnant if your period came on 2 days after your boyfriend precame inside you?

That close to your period, it's hard to tell. Precum always carries the risk of getting you pregnant too, but if you're concerned, pick up a pregnancy test to be sure.

Early period after sex lasted 2 days?

Having a shorter or lighter period after sex is normal for some people. It can be influenced by factors such as hormonal changes, stress, or changes in your routine. However, if you have concerns or this becomes a recurring issue, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

What does it mean if your boyfriend came in you a week ago and you get your period?

you are not pregnant, or else your body believes that you are not pregnant

What are the chances of getting pregnant right after your period if your boyfriend came in you?

You could be pregnant - take a test

Can you get pregnant 4-5 days after your period if it lasted 5 days?

yes it is possible to get pregnant 5 days after your period because your new cycle has already started

Your boyfriend cumed in you are you pregnant?

you will not know you are pregnant until you have missed a period and have taken a pregnancy test that says you are pregnant. not always will a woman get pregnant when a man ejaculates inside of her. it all has to do with the timing of when it happened. a woman has to be ovulating when it happens which means her body is making a new egg.

Your Boyfriend Ejaculated in you on your last day of ovulation 12days before your period is due can you be pregnant if your period still comes?

If your period comes, it's unlikely that you're pregnant

My period lasted two days and i still have spotting's?

Probably not pregnant at this time.