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Do you smell at night?

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Q: Should you wear deoderant at night?
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Should you wear deoderant everyday?

yes you should you do not want people smelling you from a mile away. you should espcially wear deoderant if your armpits stink and mr yancey smells like a musty wet dog.

Do french people wear deoderant?


Should you wear cologne and stick deoderant together?

It's o.k. I believe every guy wears both.

What should you buy your uncle for Christmas?

Some Deoderant

How did jack survive?

dude! he used deoderant you should too

Should girls wear a bra at night?

yeah they can wear but it is better not to wear while sleeping.

How did calico jack survive?

dude! he used deoderant you should too

What deoderant burns the fastest?

Lynx deoderant.

What should you wear for your wedding night?

Honestly, there's no wrong answer. You should wear whatever makes you feel good.

Do you guys furt?

no , we do not stink. we use deoderant and take showers lol

Should you put on deoderant?

yes. please. if not for yourself than for the people around you. and don't just use that axe or tag body spray stuff. use deoderant as well.

Should girls wear PJs or night gowns?

Girls are more prone to wear full pajamas when the weather is cold and night gowns when its warmer.