It is recommended that you do not use any nose spray unless directed by doctor after the surgery. But there is nothing wrong with Saline as it is not harmful in any way to a open wound and is used as a cleaning agent with major cuts and abrasions.
Saline spray or drops may help.
Dry air, invest in humidifier and saline nasal spray
Do not stick a foreign substance inside you nose. You should blow it regularly. And spray a saline solution to help keep your sinuses clean. You can also use bidet to cleanse your sinus system.
Saline sprays help. Go to the store and buy a nose spray called Ocean (don't get the generic version, it has preservatives and extra ingredients). Use this several times a day and start blowing your nose when it starts to loosen up. That should take care of it. The Ocean spray is pure saline, so anyone can use it and it is very safe and effective.
A small blood vessel in your nose broke open. This can be from dry air and if so saline nose spray and a humidifier can help. In children it is often from picking the nose.
It doesn\'t appear that an increase in the body temperature will cause more nose picking. If you find that your nose is constantly feeling stuffed, you can use a saline spray, or a nasal spray to help get some relief. You should also speak to your doctor to see what they recommend.
The advantages of using a saline nasal spray are that it is more natural than a chemical based spray. A saline nasal spray works to clear out the nasal passages and provide quicker and long lasting relief.
Do you use it a lot? Or have you used it for more then 3 days? If you have it's probably because the lining in your nose is irritated by the over use. I would suggest taking a break from it, even if you haven't over used it. Try Saline nasal spray, it should help. I would try 4-Way Saline nasal spray, expessially If you have been over using, it really helps for the over use of decongestant sprays. However, if you haven't been using it for more then 3 days or using it too often, I would ask your doctor, and either way, lay off the nasal spray, it may be really damaging your nose.
You should really go to the hospital.....
Well, it is better than blowing. But, best is to use nasal saline spray to rinse your nose and then gently wipe your nose and blow into a tissue. Blowing your nose forcefully can raise pressures that can force contaminated fluids into your ears from your Eustachian tubes, causing infection. Usually you can't or don't sniff hard enough to cause the same problems as you can with blowing. However, why pull back in what should be going out of your nose and body? Try antihistamines and OTC cold medicines to control the runny nose and use the saline spray to clear things. Ask your pharmacist for suggestions.
You can do a saline nasal wash (Google for directions), or just use a saline nasal spray. It helps a lot and you can use the nasal spray often, as it's not harmful. Use your thumb to put pressure on your face just below your eyes. Press as hard as you can stand too. You will feel tingling and it will hurt some. Hold it as long as you can, then when you let go, your nose should unclog.
A Sinus infection needs to be treated by a doctor because an antibiotic is usually perscribed. However, the saline solution is great to help with the symptoms, and will give some releif to help sooth the discomfort in the nose and in the throat.