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YES!!! dont be such a wimp

Of course you should text her. How is she going to get to know you if you don't talk to her?

Definetly ...ok im a girl..i absolutely love it when the guy i like texts make me feel so happy and alive. honest to goodness you have nothing to loose..people say move on.. but if you care enough about this person keep up the faith ..good luck to you all :)

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Q: Should you text a girl you like?
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if you really like them, just text him/her.

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yes that probably means they like you

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You could try. As you are in the same class, you could even try talking to her.

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u should tell her but tell her in person

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no becuz then you cant text the girl you like back dude

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you should ask and wait for an answer

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Say that you like something about her like that she is pretty. That's enough to let a girl know you like her

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you should either tell her face to face, over the phone, or through text messages. Girls love it when you tell them you like them. Only use this on girls who are understanding though and if you think you have a chance with this girl.

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i like it better personaly when a my girl text me.

What should you do when you approach text?

text? like phone text? text them back then? :I