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YES. Those numbers are numbers in which you should definitely seek medical attention. I am sure someone else can expound in more detail on this but you need " Plain and Simple " if it were MY loved one, I would be AT the hospital.

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Q: Should you take your wife to the hospital with a fever of 104.5 degrees and a resting heart rate of 132 BPM?
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Related questions

What degree in Celsius is considered a fever?

Anything over 38 degrees Celsius is considered a fever. If it is over 40 degrees it is very serious and requires immediate hospital treatment.

How dangerous is a body temp of 106.5 for an adult man?

Yes, a temperature of 102 means that adult is running a fever.

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When was London Fever Hospital created?

London Fever Hospital was created in 1802.

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Is 40 degrees bad?

It depends on the context. In terms of temperature, 40 degrees Fahrenheit is cool but manageable, while 40 degrees Celsius is hot and potentially dangerous. It's important to specify whether you are referring to temperature, angle, or another measurement.

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The normal body temperature of a healthy, resting adult human being is stated to be at 98.6 degrees fahrenheit or 37.0 degrees celsius. Unless they are suffering from a fever, I guess they're the same as everyone else

Is 100.1 a fever?

yes it is a little temp. and it could be a temp just getting started.99.1 im pretty sure. so if yours is 99.1,that as an fever temperature. on is a definite fever, 101.0 and higher is a high fever, and, depending on age, should be taken care of accordingly. 104.0 (40 C) or more is a hospital emergency.

Is a fever of 36.6 degrees Celsius normal during pregnancy?

This is the normal body temperature of a person, so it is not a fever. A fever has to be above 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit to be considered a fever. A significant fever is defined as being 38.0 degrees Celsius or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is a fever in Fahrenheit?

Average human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Fevers should be diagnosed by doctors.

What temp is too high for an adult?

An adult with a fever has an abnormally elevated body temperature over 100.4 degrees F (38 C). Elderly individuals with a fever should be managed carefully. The following adults should be evaluated by a physician: * An adult with a fever over 102.9 degrees F (39.4 C) * An adult over 65 years old with a fever over 101.9 degrees F (38.8 C) * An adult with a fever that lasts longer than 3 days Types of fever include: * Low-grade fever: ** Temperature less than 101 degrees F (38.3 C) * High-grade fever: ** Temperature over 104 degrees F (40 C)

Should you take your 8 year old child to the hospital with 104 fever?

Yes because that high of a temp.