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Q: Should you take a bath or shower when your on your period?
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Should you take a bath or a shower?

A shower! So you don't soak in dirty bath water!

What you might take to get clean?

Take a shower or a bath

Do you bathe on your period?

Sure you could take a shower or a bath that no one else is going into after you.

How often should you take a bath other than a shower?


Your 26 havent had a period in40 days and im not pregnant help?

take a hot shower or bath

Why cant take i bath when having my period?

YES! JUST TAKE A BATH! Its easier than a shower. just wipe good before going in. also NEVER wear a tampon while in the bath!

Should females take a bath or shower?

There is no should. It is a matter of personal choice and availability.

Do it take less water to take a shower or a bath?

It depends how long it takes you to shower

Do egyptians take a shower or a bath?

they take neither a shower nor bath they just dip them self in the ole river or other rivers

Does every Muslim have to take bath?

a Muslim should take back in some especial cases. some cases for women and some for men. for example a Muslim have a sex intercourse should take bath after it. or when a woman finishes monthly period should take bath but during period should not take bath. and so on the detailed instructions can be found in sharia laws and by asking from an Imam.

How long do dogs usually take a shower?

Dogs usually don't take showers. When their human bathes them, the human decides how long the dog should be in the bath or shower.

Should you use a shower insted of a bath?

Taking a shower typically uses less water than taking a bath, so it can be more water-efficient. Showers are also generally quicker and can help save time in your daily routine. However, the choice between a shower and a bath ultimately depends on personal preference and needs.