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No. If it may be a malpractice infection, recommend you doctor for more advice.

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Q: Should you still feel pain 6 months after having your appendix out?
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Should you still feel pain 6 months after having your appendix removed?


Can you still get your belly button pierced after having your appendix taken out?

Before you get anything else pierced, you should wait until your surgery has completely healed. You do not want to do anything that could get it infected.

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If you are breastfeeding at 3 months old then you are already giving him foremilk with more calories now.

When may you begin exercising after having your appendix removed?

If you are still under your doctors care it would be best to ask your doctor or call his office. ANSWER i had my appendix out about a month ago and am not allowed to do physical activities for a month

If you remove your appendix can you still have kids?

Removal of the appendix will have no effect on whether or not you can have children.

Can you still get an infection after 6 months or 1 year of having pierced ears?

i think 6 months or even sooner.

How did Henry houdini die?

Harry Houdini, born as Erik Weisz, died on October 31, 1926, due to complications from a ruptured appendix. It is believed that Houdini's appendix had ruptured after being punched by a student who wanted to test his claims of having a strong stomach. However, this theory is still disputed.

What kind of antibotics should you be taking if your appendix burst after coming home from the hospital and you still have a fever?

If you haven't gotten medical care since your appendix burst, return to the hospital emergency room for an examination and, if your diagnosis is correct, IV antibiotics.

Do people need appendix to have babies?

No, the human body can still work properly without the appendix. My mother has no appendix. It was removed 2 years before i was born.I hope this answer has been of much use to you.

Will HTP show negative when you are three months pregnant?

An HTP should still be positive at 3 months

How is appendix removed from body?

The abdominal cavity is opened, the appendix is tied off from the large intestine, and then cut off.

Will your appendix be cut out if you eat a orange seed?

This would be very unlikely. Orange seeds, while not particularly tasty, should just pass straight through your digestive tract - humans don't have the ability to effectively digest seeds with their husks still on. Appendectomies are performed when the appendix becomes inflamed and there is a risk of rupture - otherwise, doctors just leave it alone. Eating an orange seed should not cause inflammation of the appendix, so you should be safe.