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Q: Should you see an endocrinologist
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What kind of doctor should a diabetic see?

An Endocrinologist. More info regarding endocrinology and endocrinologist can be find under the releated links.

Should an endocrinologist or gynecologist address progesterone issues?

should an endocrinologist or a gynecologist be seen for progesterone problems

What kind of doctor should i see for ongoing stomach pain?

For ongoing stomach pain, you should see your regular doctor. They will be able to diagnose what is wrong with you. If it requires further diagnosis, they will recommend you go to an endocrinologist.

What kind of doctor should you see if you think you have low blood sugar?

If you think you have low blood sugar you should see your primary care physician and they can run a hemoglobin A1C blood test. If you have diabetes you can see an endocrinologist, as insulin is a hormone.

Twenty-One yr old man has inflamed lymph nodes in his groin for the past year What kind of doctor should he see?

Urologist or endocrinologist

Which doctor can prescribe medicine for gynecomastia in men?

Go see an endocrinologist

Where may you buy estrogens?

You should ask your doctor or an endocrinologist.

What medical specialists do you see if you have diabetes mellitus?

A patient with diabetes should have a good relationship with his or her primary care provider, podiatrist, and ophthalmologist. They may also consult an endocrinologist.

What is the correct name of an endocrinologist?


What is a height doctor called?

well if you need to see a doctor and wonder how tall you are going to get, you would probably see an endocrinologist. they specialize in hormones so they can tell you when u get a growth spurt and stuff like that. (if u just are a "late bloomer" you'd want to see an endocrinologist.

What experts treat diabetes?

I think an endocrinologist.

What is a specialist for diabetic called?

an endocrinologist