Bandages are not for anything except bleeding. Unless your knee is so bad that it is bleeding, you should not put on a bandage. You are a very good question asker! You should see how the other people write on this! You can't even read it!
arorrow to the kneee hahahaahaha
the fuse is in uder the dash by drivers left kneee cap
The patella is better known as the knee cap.
The only thing you can do at this point is try and speak with her, get her a gift of something she would like and see how she responds. I'd say that if you are really in love with this girl and in the past you have been a jerk about telling her and showing how much you loved her, I'd get down on one kneee, tell her that above all you really do love her, can she forgive you for being such an ass, and can the two of you start again.
1) Remove the passenger side kneee bolster. it has 3 Philips screws at the edge where the glove box and the bolster meet. Slide the knee bolster backwards and it drop out. 2) Then you can see the cabin air filter cover. Slide the two locking clips to the outsides and pull the cover off. Now, the filter can be pulled out. Be careful with the orientationof the filter when you removed it, so that it can be put back in easily. Close the cover and put the knee bolster in with the 3 screws again.