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It depends on if you are both ready and willing.

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Q: Should you lose your virginity with your boyfriend?
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What should you do for a sweet sixteen?

Lose your virginity.

how do should be to lose my virginity?

Have body with a man

I am 15 What should you do if your boyfriend says the relationship is dull?

Keep ur virginity! That's for sure.

Do you think it would be a good idea to lose my virginity to someone who is a good mate- but not a lover- and so won't be negative or mean-or should i hold out for a boyfriend who may dump me and brag?

It's not like your life should involve only either or. Don't lose your virginity until you WANT to, and lose it with a guy (or girl!) who you REALLY REALLY LIKE if not LOVE. Also, you should wait until age 18 if at all possible. Seriously. You will just know yourself a lot better the older you are.

How do you tell if the guy is right to lose your virginity with?

Sex is associated with love. Someone you should loose your virginity to should be someone that loves you in and out.

When does a gay girl lose her virginity?

Virginity is a social construct that can mean different things to different people. For some, it may be defined by heterosexual vaginal sex, while for others, it may be any sexual experience. It is up to the individual to determine when they feel they have lost their virginity.

Can you lose your virginity after touching yourself with something?

The only way to lose your virginity is if you have penetrative inter-coarse with another person.

Did Bryan Breeding lose his virginity?

no he did not

Who did dougie poynter lose his virginity to?


If a virgin has I.V.F treatment and get pregnant is she a virgin?

Of course! You can only lose your virginity by having sex. There needs to be penetrating to lose your virginity.

Can a female lose her virginity with celery?

No only sexual intercourse can do that. If she has a hymen it can break but that is not her virginity.

Can virgins pull out?

Yes, and you lose your virginity.