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You should not go to sleep because you may vomit and choke or the decreased level level of conciousness could cause you to inhale your stomach contents. Whilst asleep you may also go into a coma or have a seizure.

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16y ago
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12y ago

In this modern day and age? Yes. Most of the sleeping pills that can cause serious trauma or even death aren't passed out in stores or prescribed by doctors, they're managed in hospitals. Any of the sleeping pills you can buy personally have been chemically tweaked to reduce the chances of death. That doesn't mean they can't cause serious damage to your body, however. Keep that in mind.

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12y ago

You would call 911 or contact a poison control center and follow their instructions. If you can vomit them up, you can try, though the consensus these days is to get medical care immediately.

Never take more pills than what the bottle says without doctor's orders.

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12y ago

You can suffer the consequences of an overdose, including death, in your sleep.

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