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Yes you should.

Everyone should forgive and forget.

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I am very troubled with this friend as she bad-mouthed about me and now my best friend ignores me. What should I do?

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Q: Should you forgive someone you really hate?
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Related questions

Should you always forgive and forget even if the person is mean and always makes you said and tells you they hate you?

If someone is acting in such a way then you should forgive them at first, then try and talk to them about why they are acting in such an abrupt manner.

How can you tell someone you like that you like them when they hate you for something you did and will probably never forgive you?

Well Really theres no way you can tell them if they hate you that much. You shouldn't of done what you did. Just give it time they might eventually come around

How can you truly forgive someone for hurting you be their friend even though you still have feelings for this person?

It takes a lot of courage to forgive someone especially if you have feelings for them but you should think deeply and decide if you want to b their friend or if you want to be bitter and hate them forever it's your choice.Hope this helpsSmileyshaza

Say you and your cousins get into a fight you say sorry but they still hate you what should i do?

if they forgive you then just wait until they forgive give them space if they still hate you then i wouldn't talk to them! ever i would leave them alone

Who you hateeeee?

Hate is a strong word. I prefer dislike. I think "hating" someone is tiring. I try to forgive and forget. (:

What should you say to someone who looks like they hate you?

ask them if they really do because sometimes what we think isn't necessarily true and if they really do ask them why and do something about it

What do you do if you think someone fancies you but you dislike them?

Well first of all do you really hate them this much to be asking the question? If you really hate them you shouldn't care,but obviously you do. Just tell them how you feel,But you should first figure out how you feel.

Why did Corrie ten Boom forgive the Nazis?

As a Christian, she did not hate them, instead, she pray for them, and forgive them.

What to do when you really hate someone and they eat with you at school?

If you really hate someone and they eat with you at school, you can always find another spot to sit in. Eating lunch with someone you dislike so much is not good for your health.

If you hate someone our best friend should also hate that person?

No of course not

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What should you do if your name is hated bty everyone and you have no money to change your face or name?

Try to get them to forgive you, it depends on the severity if they'll forgive you or not, but if you show regret and sincerely apologize then they can't hate you forever.