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Q: Should you drink water if coughing?
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stinging eyes and coughing....lots and lots of coughing to get rid of it drink a lot of water

How can you stop from coughing while playing recorder in front of large crowd?

you have to drink water to overcome coughing for a while. And take a little break for some long breathing

Should I drink water more or should I eat more?

You should drink water because if you don't drink enough water you can die

You have Swimmers Ear and a raw sore throat from coughing so much to get Flem to come up what can you drink to help your throat?

Hot water with a slice of ginger and some honey should work. Or just hot water/honey.

What is the nursing intervention of coughing?

Increase fluid intake. Drink warm water to facilitate expectoration. Proper positioning -- sitting position.

How do you stop a coughing fit in a public place?

Breathing through my nose has always helped. This won't get rid of the coughing but if will prevent it. When you find a public bathroom or a not occupide space by your self drink some water and cough if out...

How do you make something with ginger to help your coughing?

it is simple! you should just blend it with water

How much water should you drink with Metamucil?

you should drink 1 liter of water per day.

Should you go to school when you're coughing a lot. or also when you have a bad sore throat?

no. you should stay home and drink some warm tea or something

What should you drink?


What should drink?


Difference between should you or you should?

Should you is a question. So for example you can say 'Should you drink water'? You should is an answer/statement. So for example you can say 'You should drink water'.