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dude its just water it wont make you stronger

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Q: Should you drink tap water make you stronger?
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Why should we drink clean water?

Dirty water will make you sick or kill you.

Why young children should drink a pint of milk everyday?

because it builds their immune system and make their bones stronger with calcium.

Should you make water available to your dog anytime of the day?

Yes, a dog should have water whenever it needs a drink.

Should you drink water when your vomiting?

While vomiting it might be helpful to drink a glass of water but I think is better not to drink water because it may cause you to make you vomit even worse so It would be better not to drink water

Does putting water in the fridge make it safe to drink?

No, if the water is contaminated then refrigeration will NOT make it safe to drink.

What can you eat to make your Femur stronger?

Drink milk, for calcium and Vitamin D. It makes all bones stronger, including the femur.

How do you make use of water?

You drink it, give to your animals to drink, or water plants with it.

If you lead a horse to water? can't make him drink. But they WILL drink if THEY lead YOU to water.

Does ocean water make dogs sick?

Yes. Just as humans should not drink salt water from the ocean, neither should dogs, who also require fresh water to live.

What should people do after they drink alcohol so they can make their drinking low risk?

Alternate alcoholic drinks and water. Don't drink alcohol to excess.

Is Dizziness four days after drinking normal?

You may be dehydrated. You should drink a gallon of water a day. Even more if you are drinking. When drinking, make every third drink just water.

Does water make sambuca effects stronger?

No it cannot!