yes the ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) contained in Orange Juice is good for getting rid of a cold
water plain fresh apple juice plain fresh orange juice
This is not a normal reaction. You are either having a problem handling orange juice or it has gone bad Throw out the juice and try some fresh orange juice.
If you drink out of a orange juice bottle you can spread icky germs to other people that drink out of that bottle.
no fresh orange juice is not bad for your teeth
yah, we do drink orange juice,..
Orange juice that is opened does not stay fresh for long if it is not refrigerated. You should not drink it if it has been out for longer than a couple of hours.
floridas state drink is orange juice
blood sugarcholesterol
2 oz vodka, 1 oz fresh orange juice, 1 oz cranberry juice
Bulgaria doesnt but the bulgarians do drink alot of orange juice
orange juice
Take a glass of orange juice and drink it!