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You could but it might not taste as good as if it wasn't expired

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Q: Should you drink an expired can of pop?
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Related questions

Can guinea pigs drink pop?

No, guinea pigs should not drink pop.

Can you drink expired apple juice?

Anyone CAN drink expired apple juice.

How much pop should I drink in week?

A can or two.

What happens when you drink expired yakult?

When you drink expired Yakult you can risk getting very ill. Anything expired can cause food poisoning.

how much pop should a person drink a day?

you should not drink more than one can of soda a week.

How much pop should a 1 year old drink?


Is it safe to drink expired tea?

i wouldn't if it is more then 3 days expired.

Should we drink coca cola unopened even if its expired?

Yes we shoud because its gonna taste the same!

Can you drink expired powder protein shakes?

Heck no, don't drink an expired Protein Powder. I would advice you to get a new one. If it's abut the cost then don't worry Amazon has the best and cheapest protein powder. My favorite one is Nutricost Whey Protein Concentrate (Vanilla) 5LBS.

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Can horses drink pop?

no because horses don't have the ability to drink pop

What do you do for stomach pains during your menstruation cycle?

well you should exersize and keep away from pop because pop prduces cramps..hope this helps and drink alot of water to stay fresh:)Answerwell you should exersize and keep away from pop because pop prduces cramps..hope this helps and drink alot of water to stay fresh:)