Things have changed in our modern world and it doesn't seem to matter if the girl calls the guy, but personally, I feel you should have said, "If you want to talk to me, you phone me!" Don't make it easy for him. For now, give him the call, but tell him if he wants to talk to you or ask you out in the future he is to call you and you have no intentions of running after him! Let's see what this guy is made out of. Good luck Marcy
Gay dating is extremely egalitarian. It doesn't matter who asks whom for the date. It shouldn't matter in heterosexual dating either.
just say you are not okay and he will ask you do you need any help, then pour yourself out to him.
Confront him, if he really liked you he would be wanting to tell people that you are dating.
Tell them you are already taken.'nuff said
you might be dating but he might not of asked you out. wait untill he asks you out or he go's in for the kiss
She's probably asking you if you're dating her for the body, the reputation, who she is, or a combination.
You say : Do you have a life ? And smile or if youre texting put a :) or ;).
sometimes it will be about her wondering if you still have feelings for your ex and where she stands but sometimes it could be for attention when she asks next or mentions something dont say it rudely just say cant we not talk about this im not with her im dating you at the moment and it doesnt matter.
your done son
Probably not.
They are trying to figure out where your mind is.
she means shes jealous because you r paying attention to another girl