Very Annoying Little Cool Alexis
mrs wemple means some weird fat lady who is very annoying but also is a mean teacher mrs wemple means some weird fat lady who is very annoying but also is a mean teacher mrs wemple means some weird fat lady who is very annoying but also is a mean teacher
'div' means an idiot, either very annoying or not very clever.
Yes, he is very annoying. Lots of love Pappiss
he is very annoying and I cant stand him!
a very hot dude that is annoying yeah oh yes
jonny means a very stupid, annoying, immature pest.
You will have to take him/her to a trainer for 2 weeks at the least. It worked with my dog!
Very, very annoying obnoxious means extremely annoying or repulsive.
Totally! But he is very annoying, too...
Yes, very annoying
He's REALLY annoying and is very gay :)