Not if you are of legal age.
If you are of legal age, buying condoms shows foresight, planning and a sense of personal responsibility. Nothing there to be ashamed of.
In St. Louis, a store where you do not have to ask to buy condoms is at most Walgreens stores.
Keep Dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have the same problem! LOL Go and buy the condoms yourself. XXL or XXXL should be fine. Or you can go and buy them online. There's definetely a condom large enough to fit your boyfriend, as long as he's human.
You should wear respectable clothes, so you'd not be embarassed.
yea, but the kid can buy them too, there is no age limit on buying condoms.
Anywhere that sells them. There is no age restriction on condoms. Note that most local health departments will give you condoms for free.
Take him to therapy. Buy him condoms. Encourage him to wait.
There is not one, kids of any age can purchase condoms is drugstores, pharmacies, etc.
11 years of age