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It truly is unfair that some young men have to guess whether a young woman is interested in them. Women for centuries have been noted to send off wrong signals to men. While the women could be flirting for his attention or playing hard to get it is often misconstrued by the man that she isn't interested in him. Since I can't see how she reacts around you I suggest you take one deep breath and go ask her out. She will either accept or not. If she decides not to go out with you please don't take it personally. Sometimes the chemistry just isn't there, but it doesn't mean she hates you. You should never go through life on "what ifs" and just go up (when she's alone) and ask her to a movie. Most of us on this board have had rejection and sometimes some pleasant surprises when it comes to dating. Good luck Marcy

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19y ago
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9y ago

Usually guys take everything as a sign from a girl. If she really likes you she will try to talk more and more and smile more often.

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17y ago

When they kind of mean or all nice and flirty. And always around.

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15y ago

You can never know for sure if a girl wants you to ask her out. Still, if she will smile at you or talk to you, that is a good sign. In fact, it is usually a strong hint.

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15y ago

honnestly if you think you like her back then go for it

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12y ago
  • Yes, you're going to have to have the courage to come forth with your feelings towards this girl and hope that you have a chance with her.
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Q: Should you ask out this girl if you think she likes you?
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As long as the other girl that likes you didn't tell you that she does, the I don't see what the problem would be.

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this is what you do you just ask her out!

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Yes, because she will think that you are getting her what she wants.

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To see if a girl likes you or not, you can honestly ask her the question. You should ask her when you are comfortable to do so.

If you think a girl likes you but your not sure should you ask her out?

First, try to be comepletly sure, after that, ask her out, if she likes you, she would be thinking "finally! he asked me out!" ^_^ Good luck!

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If she isn't married, she is single. If you are single and interested than ask her out.

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Ask her out stupid.

How should a girl ask a guy if he likes her?

Simply ask him.