In the vast majority of cases, there is no need for a ten year old to shave. In a very few instances of early puberty, there may be enough facial hair to warrant shaving.
By the rating (Mature), no ten year olds could buy or play GTA IV.
There isn't a suffix for ten because there is no base/ root word.
I think ten and older should totally shave. If their hair is turning black and if they wear short skirts, TOTALLY!
not specific, everyone should get an A* but that doesn't mean that they will, ten year olds have passed with flying colours while 16 year olds get Fs
Yes i do believe that 10 year olds should watch Hannnah Montana! great show! my kid loves it!
No. A ten-year-old is not a suitable custodian for a younger child. Anyone who leaves their child in the custody of a ten-year-old is guilty of neglect.
Can ten year olds use sensa
Generally, no. If there is a problem a doctor should be seen to figure it out.
yes ten year olds can play with dolls even 11 year olds can
Yes, ten year olds are considered tweens
You seem to be having trouble figuring out which word is the noun that needs to be the plural. Which thing do you have more of - twenty, year, or old? Twenty years is the modifier for old. You have two twenty year olds.