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Q: Should teens be executed if they kill?
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Should teens who murder executed?

Teens who murder should not be murdered because they if they feel that they are big enough to kill anybody, than they should be big enough to deal with prison. So therefor they should deal with what they did

Should teens who murdered be executed?

Teens who murder should not be murdered because they if they feel that they are big enough to kill anybody, than they should be big enough to deal with prison. So therefor they should deal with what they did

Should Teens Who Murder be executed no bcuz they wont be going truew the pain bcuz if you killed them they wont had suffer like the person they killed gone truew?


What did Hitler do to the ones who tried to kill him?

He executed them or otherwise they committed suicide.

Should teens who murder be executed or trail as an adult?

It depends on the circumstances of the crime and the individual's mental state. Juveniles have cognitive and emotional differences that should be taken into consideration during sentencing. Each case should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine the appropriate course of action.

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No, he was executed by guillotine.

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if they are trustworthy teens.

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Actually he tried to kill himself but he was unsuccessful and Japan executed him for the war crimes.

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For the conspiracy of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln

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about 40% of teens don't get the amount of sleep they should.

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