If your ex-boyfriend doesn't mind, it is okay. But if he doesn't, it will only make things more complicated and awkward for the both of you.
It means nothing! He moved on and so should you. His family still likes you because they are neutral in the whole relationship thing that you guys had. I think you should ask him if it bothers him that you are still cool with his family and respect his answer!
Yer you can. Just dont make the break up ugly, and stay friends with your ex. It will make it alot easier. Just get along with the family, while dating then stay friends afterwards!
No good boyfriends should talk to you if they don't then you as the girl talk to them if he still doesn't want to talk you should break up even if u don't want to:) take ma advice I know from personal experience:)
Because they think that you may still be close to them, or maybe because they want to rub it in your face that you aren't together anymore.
usually yes,but if u dont have a bf then dont worry about it..yur still young
You should totally let him know how it made you feel!
He still wants to be with you if he calls and is concerned about you
all interesting girls don't have boyfriends.. there are still interesting girls out there.. you just have to find them.
he didnt. he is still close to his family (yes, even Miley) and he goes home whenever he is not on tour.
If your mother is divorced or a widow then she has the right to her privacy and if she said she didn't have any boyfriends she is probably telling the truth. Even if she is still married she gave you her answer and you are going to have to trust her on that.
Lol, I feel the same way. Well, you should either argue (but not in a whiny way, in a smart way) or give up. I do option 1.
if there still married maybe