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no it shouldn't that means there is something very wrong with you { no offence }

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Q: Should it burn when i use the bathroom?
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Should a transgender girl or boy should they be allowed to use the bathroom?

Of course a transgender girl, boy or a person of any other gender should be able to use the bathroom. Being able to use the bathroom is a basic human right everyone should have, not just for cis people.

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For aesthetic and practical use, bathroom mirrors should be placed at waist level. The bathroom mirrors should offer a one meter clearance from the ground.

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21 Inches is Standard

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Should people use the bathroom everyday?

yes to keep healthy

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the correct term is may I use the bathroom

Why does it burn when you finish using the bathroom?

I'm sorry. You do not have a disease, you have a urinary tract infection inwhich you should still see a doctor as soon as possible.

how much should i use the bathroom a day?

3 a day

The difference between bathroom and private bathroom?

Private bathroom-> this is only for a single person. He will use it and no one can use that. Bathroom-> It will be general bathroom every body can use it.

Is it safe to use bleach when you are cleaning a bathroom that young children use?

It is safe to use bleach to clease a bathroom that young children use. You must make sure that you do not use ammonia based products when using bleach, and you should also let the fumes in the bathroom vent before the child enters.