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That's up to you and your friends to decide !

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Q: Should i shower with my friends?
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Should father's name be included in baby shower invitations?

If the shower is a couple's baby shower, then the father's name should be included on the invitation. While not the norm, couple's or coed baby showers are gaining in popularity as today's dads are becoming more involved in raising their children than in past generations. For a couple's baby shower, male and female friends of the couple would be invited to attend. If the baby shower is only for the mother-to-be, then the father's name should not appear on the baby shower invitation. In this case, usually only female friends and relatives of the mommy-to-be would be invited.

What should you get your pregnant friend?

When I had my baby shower one of my friends got me "A Playmate Before the Due Date". I absolutely love it and tell all my friends to get it.Link to it in

Should my daughter in-laws mom give the baby shower or should I?

* The best thing to do is communication with your daughter-in-law's mother to see if she would like to give a baby shower and if not, then let her know you would like to give the baby shower. Generally the friends of the daughter-in-law will give a baby shower, but it's always nice when the mothers get involved. Both mothers could work together for a surprise baby shower.

Should you shower now or tomorrow?

Ideally, you should shower daily.

Is it okay for someone to have a baby shower for their second child?

yeah it don't hurt anything and this 2nd child deserves its own baby shower I don't know if your meaning if it should have the same baby shower as the 1st child or if this baby should have a baby shower altogether and like if you can't afford it then get family and friends to put too and stuff and then this 2nd child will have its own stuff and also it will help you out a lot as well

Do you send a baby shower invitation to friends and family who live out of town and can't make the shower?

Sure you can.

Can grandmother host baby shower?

Certainly a grandmother or any other relative can give a baby shower as this gives you a chance to ask relatives as well as some of her own friends if there has been no baby shower previously for her (with her own friends.)

What shower value should I use?

Depends what shower you have.

Should you shower after you eat?

No, You Should Actually Eat Before You Have A Shower, Better For Your Digestion.

Who brings home baby shower gifts?

Friends and Family

You are a father and you shower with your daughter she is only 28 months should you not do that or when is it the age you should not shower with her?

no you weirdo

What is a reasonable time to send out baby shower thank you cards by?

Answer About a week after you had your shower would be a good time to send thank-you notes to your friends who attended your baby shower.