It depends on how old you are.
Say, if you were 15, you wouldn't want to date someone who was 5. But if you are, say, 30 and you date someone who is 20, it would be perfectly fine in my book.
You should only date a girl 3 years younger if you are 22 years old or older.
He'd certainly have sex with a girl 4 years younger then him.....
I believe that he would date a girl a few years younger than him.
3 Years Younger
Yes he said the youngest he would date is 14 so he can protect them and show them new things in the world
yess some gurls do thatt butt ehtts bettter for the boyss to date a girl 2 years younger than them :)
Niall Horan from One Direction may date a girl who is 8 years younger but he has never said for sure.
would u date a girl 4 years younger than u