

Best Answer
  • It is more embarrassing for a guy to get rejected than a girl, that's why even if a guy likes someone, they won't ask them out unless they're 100% sure they like him back. A girl asking him and getting rejected, they won't be teased by her friends.
  • Boys are generally shy or afraid of rejection at this age so there is nothing wrong if a young woman asks a young guy out to a dance.
  • One things for sure it would make what I'm going through a lot easier. I don't even know if the girl I'm planning on asking likes me the same way I like her.
  • Yes they should, there IS NOTHING wrong with a girl asking a boy out!
  • There is nothing wrong with a girl asking a guy to dance. By doing so, you'll show these boys that you're outgoing, which is a very attractive trait.
  • A girl I fell for asked me out and I respect her for that and it made my life a lot easier, so yes, ask the guy out.
  • It is totally fine! There is defiantly nothing wrong with it!
  • I think that it is fine, even a little better than the other way around, cause when you ask him, you are in control, not him as much. I have been ridiculed about asking a guy to a dance by other girls but not a lot, so you shouldn't worry. But I think it cute and perfectly okay!
  • It would help if the guy is kind of shy or scared to ask themselves. I know it would help me!
  • YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Do it, the guy will respect you and he won't be able to control you like some guys try to do. definitely don't be afraid of asking, this coming from a guy who has been asked out by many girls. If you really like him then do it because it is hard to say no when a girl asks you out. I know I never could!
  • Definitely, go for it.
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Q: Should girls ask boys to a dance?
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What is Sadie Hawkins dance?

It's a dance to which girls ask boys, instead of the traditional male-dominated initiations.

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it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.

Will girls ask out boys or boys ask out girls?

generally the boys ask out the girls, but occasionally the girls ask the guys out, but it's not as common.

Are girls too pushy when they ask the boy out?

No, in fact, girls should ask out boys more often, boys love it. They love girls who know what they want!

Do boys ask girl out or do girls ask boys out?

Boys generally, but it is acceptable for girls to ask boys out.

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No. Absolutely not. ask a stupid question....

Would you agree girls asking boys out?

no i don't agree because it is weird when the girls ask out the boys. the boys are the one who are supost to ask out the girls not the girls asking out the boys. that is not how it work.

Where should you ask a girl out?

Girls are really scared to ask boys out becuzz there a girl and they think jis becuz ur a boy ur suppose to lik them and ask them out fisrt but sum boys lik girls to ask them out first!

What should girls ask boys?

You can ask them about sports, hobbies, favorite foods, collections, music etc.

Should girls ask boys out on a date?

You can if you want. If you do ask a boy out it may seem like your desperate.