Yes! What if someone died that you love! You probally think that it would never happen to you , but it can! I mean if you dont have Health care, Youre just putting you and the people you love in danger! :)
everyone did not have health care
everyone did not have health care
'health-care" is to insure that everyone in the country has access to proper health care no matter what their financial circumstances are.
no because some poeple dont have enough money
Universal health care is when health care is provided by the Federal Government. Everyone is covered, but not necissarily with a good plan.
Health is a very important topic for everyone. If one has questions about how they are feeling, they should speak with a health care professional who can examine them and is qualified to address their concerns.
Just about everyone has access to health care, but if they can't afford the cost they have a problem.
i think that Barack Obama thinks that every one should have Health Care and in order for that to happen he must rase taxes! i think obama wants to help and he has to what he neeeds to get good health care for everyone that might need it
The purpose of the health care bill is so that everyone in the United States has an opportunity affordable health care. The health care bill is highly debated.
health care should be marketed to patients?
No. You get your own heath care. It should NOT just be given out. That would be the government taking care of us which goes against our founding fathers beliefs and what they sacrificed and died for.
Ask a Cuban.