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I think so. My best friend wears it, but he wears it in black and dark blue. I would say yes, as long as you stick to dark colours.

yes the can i put it on i put on girly pinks or what evere

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15y ago
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13y ago

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it depends on the way you think. if you like a more girly-type guy, then yeah.

if you like a man who is masculine, no way.

Answer 2

Are you saying a boy with painted nails is necessarily girly? It can be, but even not and even not wearing any makeup. "Girlyness" is part of a character, mind also that it doesn't have to mean weakness. But anyway, I admit it is not of a stereotypical manly man, to paint his nails, as you'd say they are not so concerned about style and look and so they often have also a particular hairstyle. They can be a little into dark-rockstar look.

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11y ago

I think it's so cute when little girls wear nail polish. If they do, don't give them the name brands or anything. There is plenty of kids nail polish that is great and won't damage their nails for later in life.

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13y ago

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boys can paint their nails but they choose not to. I mean sure it would be kinda weird but only because other people arent use to it. And actually if look hard enough some do or in their hostory they might have.

Answer 2

Luckily, they are more and more getting use to it, the "traditional" dark(ish) boy with black nails is now seen as normal by most people and many girl find him sexy (this depends on many factors and nail polish is just a detail). The point is that is a guy with nail polish, looks better if he also has a "polished" and groomed appearence, especially his hands must be cured as they draw many attentions. It's also good to dress accordingly, not necessarily dark, but with some goth touches here and there, or go with the rockstar look.


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12y ago

yes. it is our right do what we want do as long as it does not break the law. and this question does not break the law.

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13y ago

sometimes we do as long as it isn't like really gothinc or anything personally i like a nice deep dark red ;)

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8y ago

Yes. Some do, but it is not nearly as prevalent as among women.

Those in certain subcultures (e.g. goth) are more likely to use nail polish.

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Q: Should boys wear nail polish
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Yes, Probably. Some may wear clear nail polish. Others, who are most likely gay, would probably wear colored nail polish.

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BLack nail polish stupid asses

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No, But if you are doing something as a witch wear black nail polish as it is the closest color a witch would wear. -Hope i helped

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nail polish really should only be for girls if you're a guy and want to wear nail polish i suggest u dont that's like really weird and gay

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