trace and noah
In the English language it does not matter whether it is your elder brother or your younger brother. It does not matter if you are talking about the child of a brother or a sister. The daughter of any brother or sister is your niece. The son of any brother or sister is your nephew.
In English, the wife of your brother (elder or younger) is your sister-in-law. If you have a child, she is your child's aunt.
No, he had an elder sister Elise, and a younger brother Fritz.
Your father's brother is your uncle. Your mother's sister's husband is your uncle. The English language makes no distinction based on whether the brother is older or younger.
In the English language there is no difference between the wife of an elder brother and the wife of a younger brother or of a twin brother. The wife of any brother is your sister-in-law. If you are actually talking to her, however you should just call her by her name. Nicknames are fine too.
A sister is called either akka or chelli in Telugu. akka is elder sister and chelli is younger sister. Father's brothers daughters and mother's sisters daughters are also called sister in Telugu but maternal uncle's daughters or paternal aunt's daughters are not called sisters they are called " vadina" if she is yelder to you and "Maradalu" if she is younger.
The wife of your brother is your "sister-in-law" In English, this is true whether the brother is older or younger than you are.
He had an elder sister Anna, and two younger siblings-his brother Elliott and his sister Corinne.
sister in law
Niels Bohr had an elder sister, Jenny, and a younger brother Harald.
"Sister" in Tamil is called "சகோதரி" (Sakothari) for an elder sister and "சிச்டர்" (Sister) for a younger sister.