now this question is actually sort of funny. i would say no because i am a 15 year old boy and i spend like atleast 2/3rds of my day thinking of sex. so i would efinetly not unless you are looking to have sex with him.
yes its perfectly ok for a girl to sleep at a guys house, its just not ok for them to do anything sexual or anything considered inappropriate
You did not say if the girl staying at your boyfriend's house was a relative of his or, just a girl he knows. If it's a female relative there should be no problems, but if it's just a good your boyfriend has no right to have her stay over at his house and make that clear to him. It is highly doubtful he would not appreciate you having a young man staying with you overnight.
go for it!
yes.if its a free country.
NO you should trust your boyfriend or else you will have problems because you can't trust each other as a couple
if she gets emancipatied.
No good boyfriends should talk to you if they don't then you as the girl talk to them if he still doesn't want to talk you should break up even if u don't want to:) take ma advice I know from personal experience:)
No they can't
Until you
parentel concent.