Depending on how often you are wearing your watch should determine how often you should clean it although most watches will function fine without regular cleaning.
The inside of your dishwasher should be cleaned regularly.
Gravel in a fish tank should be cleaned regularly, ideally once a month, to remove waste and debris that can harm the fish and affect water quality.
There is no book in the Heroes of Olympus series that is about "a young hero who cleaned his volcanoes regularly on asteroid".
All dog breeds with long floppy earflaps should have their ears cleaned regularly, as they are prone to infection.
Thrush is the disease most commonly found in shod horses living in a moist environment when their hooves are not cleaned regularly. usually thrush or abuses
Providing it's healed from the initial piercing and it's cleaned regularly there is no need to remove it. However it may be more comfortable to remove it as blowing your nose regularly may make it sore.
Hamsters don't generally smell if their cages are cleaned regularly and properly.
A hamster cage should be cleaned weekly.
Not if it is cleaned regularly.
unless it is regularly cleaned and heated to 24degrees, no.
None as long as it is cleaned up regularly, as it attracts flies
Knives must be maintained to keep them sharp and in good working order. Stainless Steel knives should be cleaned regularly and dried off immediately after washing.