

Sentence for exaggerate

Updated: 9/14/2023
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14y ago

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I don't normally exaggerate but I think I've answered this question a thousand times before!

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Q: Sentence for exaggerate
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What is a imperative sentence using exaggerate?

Don't exaggerate the risks!

What is dramatic exageration in a poem?

When you exaggerate the sentence.

What is a sentence for exaggerate?

She tends to exaggerate her accomplishments to make herself seem more impressive.

What does add a hyperbole to your new sentence mean?

Hyperbole means exaggeration so you are being asked to exaggerate in your sentence.

How do you use the word exaggaerate in a sentence?

Nobody trusted Susan as she always tended to exaggerate anything she said. It is a natural tendency of every fisherman to exaggerate the size of his catch. The media like to exaggerate the truth, it helps them sell newspapers.

What does exaggerate mean in this sentence many scenes in this selection exaggerate on odinary event until they become amazing?

exaggerate means magnify something more than what is true. This is what it means in your sentence. The scenes somehow make what is normally an ordinary event, amazing. It's hard to be more specific because I can't see the scenes in the selection.

How can you make a sentence using hyperbole?

Hyperbole means to exaggerate in the style of a figure of speech.

What does exaggerate means in a smaller sentence?

Example Sentences:Exaggerate means to make a bigger story out of something small.

How do you say You exaggerate in spanish?

You exaggerate = Exageras

How can you use the word exaggerate in a sentence?

"I just saw like a million birds fly over the house mom!" says Jimmy"Now now Jimmy, there is no need to exaggerate, there were only about 15 or so," replied Jimmy's mother.

What figure of speech is the word exaggerate?

Exaggerate is a verb."That's a nice story, Lisa, but please don't exaggerate."

What word comes from the Latin word exaggerate?

exaggerate, --d, --tion