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liquid nitrogen

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Q: Senile keratosis and warts are often removed by application of which liquid?
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What is viscoelastic fluid introduction and its characteristics industrial application?

fluid that behaves as solid and as well as liquid too. it has elastic nature it will regain back when apllied stress is removed

What are wo ways that liquid waste is removed from your body?

Two ways that liquid waste is removed from your body... sweating and urination

Is shampoo a liquid or a solid?

A liquid

What happens when heat is removed a liquid and it cools?

A liquid becomes a solid when heat is removed. The energy content decreases, and the speed of the particles decrease.

What happens when heat ia removed from a liquid and it cools?

When heat is removed from a liquid and it cools, the molecules in the liquid lose energy and slow down. Eventually, the liquid will reach its freezing point and transform into a solid through the process of crystallization.

3000 cc of liquid was removed from my lungs. How much is that?

3000 cc is equivalent to 3 liters of liquid removed from your lungs.

What happens if you remove thermal energy from a liquid?

If thermal energy is removed from a liquid, its temperature will decrease, causing it to eventually solidify if enough thermal energy is removed. The speed at which this occurs depends on the specific properties of the liquid.

When heat is removed from liquid its temperature goes?


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When energy removed from a substance what chANGE OCCUR?

When energy is removed from a gas, condensation occurs. When energy is removed from a liquid, freezing occurs.

Is wax melting an irreversible reaction?

Wax melting is a reversible physical change, not a chemical reaction. When wax melts, it changes from a solid to a liquid state due to the application of heat. Once the heat is removed, the liquid wax will solidify back into a solid form without undergoing any chemical changes.

What is the volume of liquid remaining when the egg is removed from the syrup?

The volume of liquid remaining when the egg is removed from the syrup is the same as the initial volume before the egg was added to the syrup. The egg displaces its own volume in the syrup, so when it is removed, the liquid level returns to its original state.