No, it is not bad. I have been drinking it for years and I am perfectly healthy. It might taste bad but when you're in the mood and in the moment it really doesn't matter. I love watching my partner's expression.
In terms of health, it is neither good nor bad unless he has a disease - then it's bad.
No. It is bad for you but moderation is the key. I prefer drinking water or semen.
Assuming the semen is healthy, there should be no positive or negative effects from consuming it. Yes but as far as i am concerned it is bed for health
Drinking in moderation can be good for you and drinking abusively can be bad for you.
It's good
It doesn't do anything to you, good or bad.
Infectious diseases can be transmitted for semen so swallowing semen is not consistent with "safe sex". Other than that there is nothing particularly good or bad about it.
There is nothing special about heated water . . . Semen is not alive, so cannot be healthy or unhealthy. A male who drinks enough water to keep hydrated will generally have nice, normal semen.
Consuming your own semen will do you no harm.