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sedentary...couch potatoes...

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Q: Physically inactive people are
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What is a person that is physically inactive?

he or she is malnurished slow eating he\she is so thin.

What happens to our heart if the cardiac muscle gets stronger?

Regular physical activity strengthens heart muscles -- and people who are inactive are twice as likely to suffer from heart disease as people who are physically active.

A sentence using the word inactive?

People think old people are inactive.

What is the difference between an active and inactive trap in a carnivorus plant?

The difference between an active and inactive trap in a carnivorous plant is the way they capture their prey. Active plants physically close, while inactive traps simply use a hole with water in the bottom.

What are inactive citizens?

Inactive citizens are people who are not involved in the community, and don't vote

What's a Dar in security terms?

Dar is data at reset in an IT term referring to inactive data which is stored physically in any digital form.

Can it affect a man's sex life if he has recently lost his job and is physically inactive and possibly out of shape?

Absolutely, all three of these things can make aman lose his libido. It is probably psychological as he feels mentally and physically bad about himself.

How do people live with volcano's so close to them?

the volcanoes are inactive

How do inactive people gain weight?

They get less exercise to burn the fat.

What are physically challenged people?

Disabled people.

What is inside vaccine that works without making people sick?

dead/inactive viruses. that's why you don't get sick. dead/inactive viruses. that's why you don't get sick.

Is angiotensin an inactive protein?
